Sunday, May 12, 2024

La Luz del Mundo

La “Vida” se encuentra en la “Palabra”, y esa vida es la “Luz de los hombres.” Es “brillar en la oscuridad”, y la oscuridad “no puede hacerse cargo” o suprimirlo. Precisamente este “Verbo” o Logos se hizo “carne”, Palabra Viva de Dios manifestada y expresada en Jesús de Nazaret. En él, la gloria y la vida del Dios que creó todas las cosas se iluminan para que todos los hombres las vean.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Siervo del Señor

Jesús cumplió el papel del ‘Siervo Sufriente’ descrito en el Libro de Isaías. A diferencia de Adán, él no trató de captar la “semejanza de Dios.” En cambio, se humilló a sí mismo y se sometió a una muerte vergonzosa en la cruz romana. Por esta razón, Dios lo exaltó altamente y lo hizo “Señor” sobre todas las cosas. Su exaltación no precedió a su muerte, su entronización la siguió.

Carrying His Cross

Retaliation and violence are never appropriate reactions to persecution by the disciples of Jesus. Rather than respond in kind, they must meet threats and assaults with humility, mercy, and forgiveness. Doing so is what it means to “deny yourself,” “take up his cross,” and follow him. We fulfill the “Law and Prophets” and become “perfect as our Heavenly Father” by doing good to our “enemies.”

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Perfected Disciples

Jesus summons us to become “perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect,” yet how can we emulate the perfect righteousness of God? His explanation is clear – By performing acts of mercy for others, especially our enemies. Self-sacrificial love is the heart of the Gospel and the essential nature of the merciful God. Was Jesus not the Messiah who submitted to an unjust death on our behalf when we were yet the “enemies of God”?

Дэлхийн гэрэл

Амьдрал нь “үг” эсвэл ‘logos’ - д байдаг, Энэ нь “хүмүүний гэрэл” юм. энэ нь “харанхуйд гэрэлтэж” байгаа бөгөөд харанхуй нь гэрлийг дарж чадахгүй. Энэ “үг” нь “махан бие” болж, Бурханы амьд Үг Назарын Есүст илэрхийлэгджээ.

"Rejoice and Exult!"

Persecution is always a possibility for the followers of Jesus and his Church. We may face hostility from employers, neighbors, government, and family members because of our beliefs and practices. So, how should we react when the possibility becomes a brutal reality? Jesus and the Apostles provided clear instructions and examples of how the Church must respond when faced with persecution.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Mercy and Enemies

The reality of persecution raises important questions. How should disciples of Jesus react, especially when persecuted by the State? Is resorting to anger or acts of civil disobedience appropriate, or should they instead emulate examples from the life of Christ? In his teachings, he warned all men who decided to follow him to expect “tribulation,” and he summoned them to follow his path (“If they persecuted me, so they will persecute you”).