
This site is designed to provide you with comprehensive studies on Jesus, discipleship, and the basics of the Apostolic faith. The overall stress is on Jesus of Nazareth, the center of the disciple's life and the redemptive plan of God. The goal is to see the Gospel preached to All Nations between now and the return of our Lord.

Through Jesus of Nazareth, God is bringing His promises of salvation and everlasting life to fruition for all men and women who respond to His Gospel with repentance and faith. The most decisive moment in History has occurred already in his death, resurrection, and exaltation.

My name is David Maas. I have been a student of the Bible since shortly after my conversion in 1971. My goal is to share with others what I have learned over the decades. Originally from Seattle, Washington, I now reside in the city of Gardnerville near Lake Tahoe in the State of Nevada.

My Profile Photo
[My Profile Photo]

All posts on this site are provided free of charge. None are copyrighted. Please feel free to copy, quote, reuse, or distribute any post or part thereof as you see fit.

Please also pray for this work, that God would open effectual doors for His Word to spread throughout the Earth and meet the needs of many others. If you are interested in supporting this work in other ways, please email me at - david@disciplesglobal.org, or, bear7755@gmail.com.

David Maas, October 2023

Lake Tahoe sunset - Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash
[Lake Tahoe Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash]